Front Matter
You can specify the page's metadata via YAML front matter, which is supported automatically in any markdown file. JSON or TOML works also if you prefer those formats.
The important point is that VuePress makes this frontmatter data available via $page.frontmatter
will be made available to the rest of the page including any components being used.
For example:
# YAML frontmatter, specifying our page metadata
title: homepage
description: this is the homepage
# Vue syntax, will evaluate valid JS expressions
{{ $page.frontmatter }}
Will result in $page.frontmatter
to become:
{ "title": "homepage", "description": "this is the homepage" }
The content for the homepage goes here.
layout: Landing
heroImage: /img/cute_doggo_0.jpeg
- target: github
src: https://github.com/
- target: linkedin
src: https://www.linkedin.com/
- target: facebook
src: 'https://www.facebook.com/'
- target: instagram
src: 'https://www.instagram.com/'
footer: MIT Licensed | Made with ♥ by strychemi
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By default, each *.md file is parsed to html and rendered inside a <div class="page">
container, and comes with autogenerated sidebar/edit links/etc.
This works great for doc-focused pages, but if you want to use your own custom page layout/component, just specify the component to use in the YAML front matter via the layout
field as shown above.
This will use .vuepress/components/Landing.vue
as the layout for the page.
How this component is structured
Taking a look at .vuepress/components/Landing.vue
<div class="home">
<div class="hero">
<!-- Profile Image -->
<!-- Title & Description -->
<h1>{{ data.heroText || $title || 'Hello' }}</h1>
<p class="description">
{{ data.tagline || $description || 'Welcome to your VuePress site' }}
<!-- Social Links -->
<div class="socials">
<div v-for="item in data.socials">
<a :href="item.src" target="_blank">
:icon="['fab', item.target]"
<!-- all markdown content after the YAML frontmatter will go in here -->
<Content custom/>
<!-- Footer -->
{{ data.footer }}
export default {
name: "Landing",
computed: {
data() {
return this.$page.frontmatter;
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
border-bottom: 1px solid #eaecef
max-height: 200px
border-radius: 150px
display: flex
flex-direction: row
justify-content: center
padding: 1em
Data supplied to the component is specified via YAML frontmatter in README.md
in the docs/
Relative links to profile images, social button links, and footer content should be specified within the the YAML frontmatter.
Vuepress takes this frontmatter data and makes it available to this component as this.$page.frontmatter
In the code above, we assign this.$page.frontmatter
to the component's computed property data
so we don't have to type this.$page.frontmatter
in our template multiple times.
Any content/markdown that comes after the frontmatter in README.md
will go to <Content custom/>
, as seen in this component's template.
This Content
component is globally available component and can be used in any custom component, which is quite useful if you are using a lot of custom layouts.
You can take advantage of this structure to easily customize the landing page.
FontAwesome Integration
For the social icons (Github, LinkedIn, etc.), I went with FontAwesome for the ease of integration and maintenance.
This template project comes with it integrated, but if you want to learn how to integrate it in a Vue system, check out the official Font Awesome Vue Component.
Here's the steps to integrate it into VuePress:
Everything is already setup in this project, don't need to do anything, these steps are just for reference purposes, or if you want to just add/customize/remove icons to use on your own project.
Install dependencies (should already be done, if you ran yarn on this project).
Import the icons you need to .vuepress/enhanceApp.js
import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core';
import { faGithub, faLinkedin, faInstagram, faFacebook } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons';
import { faEnvelope } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
import { FontAwesomeIcon, FontAwesomeLayers, FontAwesomeLayersText } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome';
export default ({
Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
options, // the options for the root Vue instance
router, // the router instance for the app
siteData // site metadata
}) => {
// ...apply enhancements to the app
// adding the fontawesome icons we need
library.add(faGithub, faLinkedin, faInstagram, faFacebook, faEnvelope);
// globally registering the Vue components
Vue.component('font-awesome-icon', FontAwesomeIcon);
Vue.component('font-awesome-layers', FontAwesomeLayers);
Vue.component('font-awesome-layers-text', FontAwesomeLayersText);
For more info on the full API head here: vue-fontawesome.
To search for icons, you can search for them on the font awesome homepage.